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NRDO types of activities promoted has included distribution of livelihood kits, reduction of post-harvest losses in main field crops, small grants (revolving funds), Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction (CMDRR), Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA), market linkages/value chain promotion, extension approaches, Farmer Field Schools/Agro-Pastoral Field Schools, support for children and youth and functional literacy, Community Based Animal Health Service Delivery, Livestock restocking and livelihood diversification.

NRDO has also been involved in activites aimed at improving access to agricultural inputs as a means to improve agricultural production by promoting community based seed multiplication and ox-plough technologies. NRDO also has relevant experience in conducting training of targeted communities on basic improved agricultural practical experience, basic post-harvest and techniques (including fish preservation).

Cash Based Intervention Focused on cash for seeds and training on agriculture practices. Areas of Upper Nile (Melut County, )

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